Got Questions? We got Answers!
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Is curling a sport?
Yes. It looks very easy on TV, but it takes skill and finesse to execute a great shot.
You walk an average of 2 miles per game.
Do you use skates?
No, you can use regular tennis shoes. There are special curling shoes with built in sliders.
How old do you have to be to play?
We require the age of 10+ to start curling with us in Las Vegas Curling, due to the heavy rocks, 42lbs.
How do I get into the sport?
Start with our Learn to Curl, then move on to a beginners league or a Curling clinic.
Can I become an Olympic Curler?
Yes, you have to qualify through a play down process, see USA Curling website.
Is this for competitive people only?
We have all levels of curlers, from recreational to competitive curlers. It is a great way to meet new people, have fun and get some exercise.
Can my child get college grants from this sport?
The sport is still growing rapidly in the US, and many colleges in the northeastern U.S. offer curling. With the annual growth of the University Curling Championships it is bound to happen soon!
Can I join league?
We offer leagues and beginner leagues. Once you have taken the Learn to Curl, you can pick and choose what level you feel comfortable to join.
Can I substitute in league?
Yes, minimum requirement is a learn to curl class under your belt.
Can I throw a Curling party?
We offer groups and parties, as long as you can secure private ice time from the ice rink. Contact us for further info.
What is the cost to curl?
As little as $15/session and up. See Learn to Curl and League pages.
How expensive is curling equipment?
Curling is a relative inexpensive sport. You can get shoes and a broom from about $150 an up. For those who don’t want to spend the money, use the club’s basic loaner gear at no cost.